8 Training Methods Every Company Must Explore

According to recent statistics of Middlesex University for Work-Based Learning, 74% of the employees felt that they were not able to unleash their potential because of inadequate training.

Training employees boost their motivation and confidence especially when carrying out responsibilities and handling tasks in the workplace. The demands of these tasks have become even more intense which is why employees feel a greater need in honing their skills as employers also work on addressing skills gaps.

Responding to the needs of the employees for training has also become even more challenging for trainers these days. Trainers must now explore new and innovative methods to train, hoping to find a certain intervention through different training methods.

There are several training methods brought by the current situation nowadays which pave the way for further flexibility and learning of employees. Let’s discuss 8 of these training methods every company can explore. 

Why Explore Different Training Methods

Why is it important to explore different training methods?  Well, studying more than two training methods can help provide an understanding of what specific strategies work and how these methods can make them work. 

In particular, the following are the different benefits in exploring numerous training methods:

  • Improved efficiency
  • Reduced preparation and planning time
  • Increased capacity of the trainers to adopt new strategies
  • Data-driven techniques

When exploring different training methods, you may focus on determining the value of the program and how different it is from the existing ones. . Also, you must list down the available resources and tools for you and your participants.

Should you want to explore other training methods, here are some examples. 

Instructor-Led Training

One of the most popular methods of training is called instructor-led training. Basically, the instructor-led training is centered upon an instructor teaching the skills, tools, or know-how that is necessary for a trainee to know about or get a hold of. 

Instructor-led training often comes in a form of lectures, demonstrations, and discussions, and individual or group sessions

Often, this training method is commonly used when new or complex material is introduced to the employees. As a traditional training method, the instructor discusses the material first and then caters to the questions of the trainees after the training session. In conducting this training method, make sure to incorporate the objectives of the company into the discussion flow of the training. 

One of the challenges in conducting instructor-led training is that there are cost and time constraints that may get in the way. It is important that you lay down the specific discussion topics in an organized way and follow the target schedule strictly. 

Coaching and Mentoring

This type of training method focuses more on enhancing the relationship between an employee and a more experienced professional. Note that the professional does not have to be the trainer.

Unlike the instructor-led training method, this form of training ensures flexibility for the employees and coaches as this can be done both in person or in different virtual sessions. Advocating for a better professional relationship among trainees and employees coaching and mentoring provides a personalized type of training.

In conducting this training method, aim for time efficiency. Addressing the needs of an individual can take so much time and effort so you must first structure your training plan. Anticipate the different detours throughout the process so you can plan accordingly. 

You may conduct round-robin sessions, group coaching, buddy system, or other strategies to effectively execute this training method. 

On-the-Job Training

Looking at the Acquire-Meaning Making-Transfer strategy, this training method ensures employees effectively practice different types of skills in a particular session. Newly-hired employees benefit from this training method the most as most of them are still starting to get equipped with the necessary skills and know-how needed in the workplace. 

On-the-job training focuses on the combination of observation and execution sessions that aid in completing the necessary tasks under the supervision of a trainer or a higher professional. Job shadowing or observation in the typical job tasks in a company are done through different sessions.

Take note that this training method helps the employees prepare more for a certain position. This trains employees on the necessary skills, knowledge, and competencies once the newly hired employees start working in the company. 

The primary goal of the training is to prepare the newly hired employees for the roles and responsibilities needed in the company so that they can finally undertake their tasks without further supervision by a higher official. 


While on-the-job training focuses on the general skills and tasks needed in a certain company, simulation is a training method that focuses on a specific skill. 

For technical-vocational, medical, and other allied companies focusing on skills, simulations are usually done to train people on problem-solving with practical, and technical skills. Simulations are like preliminary sessions conducted among trainees once they encounter a certain task. 

When conducting a simulation training method, make sure to be particular in terms of the necessary skills and competencies that a trainee must possess in a certain situation.  Simulations must be able to guide a trainee with precision especially when training someone on a critical process or complex tool. 

Virtual Training

Virtual training, which is usually done on different virtual platforms, is considered one of the newest and most innovative training methods. Virtual training is done with the use of different technological tools such as computers, mobile phones, or tablets; plus, the internet. 

Virtual training can also be done in a form of real-time or modular virtual training methods. The real-time virtual training method is usually done live where the facilitator and participants execute the necessary tasks live, while the modular virtual training method consists of pre-recorded videos and exercises that participants must access The trainees generally have the freedom to undergo training based on their own pace, place, and time. It all depends on the degree of difficulty of the topics included in the training. 

As a trainer, conducting virtual training is challenging since this training method trains the employees to be accountable for the necessary tasks they must accomplish. In addition, interactive activities must be emphasized to ensure further transfer of the necessary knowledge and skills imparted in different virtual platforms. 

Group Training

Unlike individual training that trains the employees through exercises and activities done individually and sessions that follow a one-way communication channel, group training is a training method that lets the employees be trained all at once. 

With this training method, you must give importance to the different group dynamics and create or plan for activities that encourage teamwork.

Emphasizing brainstorming and collaborative sessions is a must in group training. Driving more on problem-solving strategies that drive the employees to necessarily solve the different challenges in the workplace together is a great way to start in this training method. 

As a trainer, try to craft learning sessions that are multimodal and multifaceted where they all get to enjoy in an interactive and collaborative manner. 

Lecture-Based Training

The lecture-based training method is a commendable type of training for a certain company that is composed of a large population. 

For communicating pieces of information quickly, this training method is highly recommended. This training method is considered to be least interactive in the sense that it follows a passive way of transmitting several pieces of information. 

However, when facilitating this training method, make sure to create learning strategies that ensure further retention of the necessary pieces of information that will be discussed among employees since it is already anticipated that as a lecture-based trainer, you will be communicating a lot of information.

Blended Learning

One more training method–blended learning.  This is commonly used in these times where you want to provide a resourceful and flexible option to trainees. 

Having a great combination of online and offline learning, blended learning trains the employees to be accountable for every single task that they are going to fulfill regardless of the pace and place. 

Podcasts, video recordings, onsite training activities, virtual sessions, and learning exercises are usually used in this training method. Blended learning has a great option, especially in promoting greater accountability and learning among employees because they get to be exposed to a variety of tools in a certain training session. 

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About the Author: pgeorgiev