Elements of a Coaching Website

People look for coaches to help them with different issues in life that they are currently going through. Whether you are a business or life coach, the most common way a potential client can reach you is through your coaching website. It is a given that you need to be a great and competent coach.

But aside from being a great and competent coach, you must have a great coaching website. You will know that you have a great coaching website if your website…

  • is effective in helping you cater to more audiences as a coach.
  • will acquire possible new clients for you.
  • will help sell more coaching sessions online for you.
  • will help build your credibility and increase your trust rating.
  • will show that you are the expert in your chosen field.

It is not too late for you to redesign your coaching website. We are here for you to share with you seven elements that can make your coaching website effective. This will include the content of your website, the structure of your website, the building of your website, and the beautification of your website.

First, you can make your coaching website effective by having a concise and benefit-oriented headline on your homepage. Your headline alone should assure your potential clients that hiring you as a coach will be beneficial to them. Your headline should help your potential clients decide that you are the right coach for them. Your homepage must have horizontal sections that your potential clients can browse through.

Second, you can make your coaching website effective by making potential clients know you. Your website must contain an about you section where you introduce yourself as a coach and as a fellow human being. You tell them through your website what you can offer to them as a coach. You can tell them that you are the best in this field. You can tell them about your credentials and achievements. You can tell them that they can trust you. To make it even more personal, you can add your photo. Your photo should be friendly but professional-looking. If you are comfortable enough, you can also create a video of your self-introduction. Your 3-minute video should be something that your client will always remember.

Third, you can make your coaching website effective by making your potential clients feel that you are directly reaching out to them. You can only do this if you know beforehand who your intended clients are. Your words on the website should appear as if you are talking to your intended clients in person. If your intended client is a divorcee seeking help on how to move on, the words used on your website should be able to tug at his or her heart. You should be able to communicate this well to your web developers so that the finished website is exactly what you have in mind.

Fourth, you can make your coaching website effective by telling your potential clients what your solutions are to their problems. You don’t have to enumerate every solution but provide enough solutions that will make them curious about what you can do for them. This part will help the undecided clients to choose you.

Fifth, you can make your coaching website effective by informing your potential clients what are the services you can provide them, and the benefits that await them in hiring you as their coach. If you have several services offered, you can arrange them horizontally on the website. Each service should have a brief description of it. If you offer your first session for free, you can include this as one of the perks they can avail of when they hire you as a coach.

Sixth, you can make your coaching website effective by posting proofs of your successful coaching sessions. You can post testimonials and the positive results of previous clients on your website. The key is to make sure that your potential clients know that these testimonials are real. Your clients can share how you have helped them live the life they have always wanted. Your clients can tell how your solutions have benefitted their business to grow and earn more. Of course, with the permission of your previous clients, you can include pictures of you and your client while in session.

Seven, you can make your coaching website effective by asking your website visitors to hire you as their coach. This is your call to action. You can tell them to call you and book an appointment. You can tell them to download your coaching podcasts. You can tell them to read your coaching book. You can tell them where they can contact you. You provide multiple areas of communication with them. It can be done by mobile phones, Skype, Facebook messenger, and the good-old email. You can make it easier for them to answer your call to action if there is an easy-to-spot “contact me” button on the website.

A bonus element is creating a blog. Having a blog will greatly help and boost your coaching website. It might seem like a daunting task to maintain an effective coaching website while also maintaining a blog. But with practice, it will become easier. Your blog will be linked to your coaching website. Your blog will contain relevant topics that your existing and potential clients might be interested in reading. Writing helps establish your credibility online.

Building an effective coaching website will take time to create and will cost you money for professional web developers. But once you have created an effective coaching website, your online presence will slowly build up as well. Again, it will take time to establish your online presence apart from your competition. But rest assured that it can be done.

Once you have clients, it is important that you maintain your client-coach relationship. In the long run, your coaching website will assist you to earn more money while doing your passion for coaching.

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About the Author: pgeorgiev