Today’s interview is with Lorraine Reguly. She has gone through many ups and downs that can easily make a person depressed or feel like quitting, but she recovered from all the problems in her life. In this interview, we uncover what type of challenges she faced and how she recovered. Anyone can implement her strategies to save someone from being depressed or overcome failures.
Let’s get started.
Q1. Lorraine, Tell us about yourself
Hi. I’m not sure where to begin, because I am so many things, to so many people!
From a business standpoint, I am a writer, an editor, a certified English teacher, a coach/consultant, and an author assistant. This last one means I help other people become published authors.
I am an author, too. So far, I have two books to my name – Risky Issues and From NOPE to HOPE: How I Overcame My Suicidal Thoughts (and How You Can Too).
I am also the owner of Wording Well, where I offer four services and give out FREE information for writers, bloggers, and freelancers on my blog.
Q2. What problems did you face as a teenager and how did you recover from them?
Aside from dealing with the usual stuff most teenagers face, I was raped when I was only 14. I was a virgin then, too.
This incident changed me. It also changed my life.
I quit high school four times. I ended up turning to drugs and alcohol to cope with and escape the feelings I had after the rape.
I also became promiscuous and looked for love in all the wrong places. Eventually, I got involved in prostitution.
It wasn’t until I was 20 years old that I finally, finally told someone what happened to me and got counseling.
I revealed a lot of this in a guest post I wrote: Rape, Drugs, and Prostitution — One Blogger’s Journey to Success.
Q3. What do you want to say to the girls or women who are a victim of rape or other such incidents?
Tell someone about it immediately! Also, know that it’s NOT YOUR FAULT!
Find someone to talk to about it and get counseling, too. Do not keep it all bottled up inside you. Talk about it. Get professional help.
This is what I did, and it helped me.
Q4. How does it feel when people call you a single mom?
I have to laugh at this – sorry(!) – but it doesn’t matter to me. That is what I am!
I had an abortion when I was 16 and didn’t think I could get pregnant again.
I was 17 when I got pregnant again, and by the time my son born, I was 18 years old. His father was abusive to me, and so I ended that relationship and raised my son by myself.
I did a good job, too, because my son does not drink. He does not smoke. He does not do drugs. Instead, he eats healthy foods and works out at the gym a lot. He is big and strong. He also works at a job and is a great guy.
Raising him was tough because I attended university for five years after taking four additional years to complete my high school credits through a special program for single mothers.
Q5. When you had gone through all this, did your family support you?
My family did not spend much time with my son or me during the early years.
Later on, my mom babysat my son, on occasion. But I didn’t get much support from anyone. I did everything myself.
Yes, this is kind of sad to say, but it’s true.
When my son was 7, I met a guy, and we lived together for two years until I graduated and moved away to teach high school in another town. That particular boyfriend was the only one who helped me at all during my son’s childhood. But we split up after I moved.
Q6. What is your take on jobs if we compare them with blogging or freelancing?
Most jobs require you to commute, to show up on time, and do not allow you many breaks.
Blogging and freelancing are two things you can do from home (or from your friend’s house, or a coffee shop, or wherever!) and therefore, allow you to have much more freedom in your life.
The flexibility of blogging and freelancing is excellent, but you still have to work hard to see results and also to earn a steady income.
As you can see, there are pros and cons to both worlds!
Q7. What changes did you find in your life after you started blogging?
For me, my self-confidence grew. The more I shared stories about my personal life; the more others started to see me as someone who was “inspirational.”
I also started earning money, which was nice! (wink wink)
Q8. What else you like to do in your daily routine other than blogging?
I am a laid-back type of person now. I enjoy staying home a lot and being alone.
I like reading, writing, and watching TV sitcoms and dramas.
I also like spending time with my family, and playing cards with my mom and dad.
Q9. What are the limitations of blogging that you experienced personally?
I am not very techie, and so the technical aspects of owning and running a website often frustrate me. I hire others to help me when I have problems in this area.
However, I have learned to do a lot of things on my own, from merely reading things online and watching tutorials.
When I get stuck, sometimes my friends help me, too. (For free!)
Q10. Do you have any suggestions for me regarding my career and my blogs?
Yes. Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
Do you see yourself earning a good living from blogging, and devoting your life to it?
If not, then consider other things to do.
I’ve been blogging for over four years now, and even though I like certain things about it, I don’t think it is something I will be doing for the rest of my life.
For now, it’s what I enjoy doing. I like the freedom that my life has.
My best advice to you is to find something you LOVE doing. That way, as the old saying goes, “You’ll never have to work a day in your life!”
Lorraine Reguly, BA/BEd, is an author and English teacher-turned-freelancer for hire. She offers four different services on Wording Well: writing/blogging, and editing. She also helps others become published authors! Check out her services and see what she can do for YOU. You can also visit her author site, Laying It Out There. And don’t forget to pick up your copy of 20 Blog Post Must-Haves today!